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Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

That's right @soul .... my thought was that he might be finally gaining a more complete awareness, and that would be overwhelming, but you know him better .

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

Sorry to hear what you are going through @soul Understand how hard it is to just stop caring and how hard it is not hearing and being in the waiting game. For now I think we can only assume he is ok. Is there anyone else you can reach out to, or another way to find out.

For me, only comfort is by seeing that he been online on whatsapp. Of course my partner doesn't know I do that. It is also not a great thing because by seeing he is online I wonder why he has not responded.

Do hope for your sake he does reach out soon to give you that comfort he is ok.

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

Yes @Anony18. We do use Whatsapp. Last seen early hours of Saturday morning which again is unusual. Now I am checking that all the time 😞 

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

@Anony18Just rang his phone because he had asked me to sell some of his belongings and I received an offer on an expensive item a few minutes ago. The phone just rang out with no provision to even leave a message.

Saw your message on the Hot Chocolate thread - commiserations. 

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

@soul - really empathise right now with what you going through. *HUGS*

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

How are you this morning @soul ? Trust you managed to get some rest.

Im out all day now but want to drop in and see how you are doing, thinking of you. 

Re: BPD and violence - helping after you leave?

Morning @soul - how are you doing today?