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Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

@Former-Member A short post to let you know I am around and very much thinking of you Hon Heart

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Hey @Former-Member How did it go - only if you can reply Hon Heart

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Just got home some 10 mins ago @Zoe7 .  Hi @Shaz51 @Owlunar @outlander @BlueBay . 

I know I havent mentioned all. No NBN here again today, so very limited mobile data.


My psych is closing her business at the end of March. 


Had 2hr session today, and she gave me a good hearing. Very emotionally drained now.


Tell you more later when hopefully internet back on.



Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Does that mean she is no longer going to take on her longer term clients and end completely @Former-Member? I will wait until your have internet back to get your update - will be around all afternoon for you though Hon Heart

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

I can wait until you get the NBN back on @Former-Member 


So your psyche is closing her business at the end of March - I am sorry to here that but at least you know now - and that is not good news - it took you a long time to open up to her and don't want to go through all of that again - I so understand - such a hard thing to have happen


And a two hour session would be draining - - I hear you


Take things easy Sherry - you are a battler I know - hard yards



Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

@Former-Member 💙

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Thanks @Zoe7 @Owlunar @outlander @Maggie @eth @CheerBear @Shaz51 @BlueBay  @Scarecrowe and everyone


Still no NBN here .. over 24 hours now. No phone no internet.


Since yesterday I have just wanted to stick my head in the sand. I dont want to think past today. I dont want to think at all ... wish I could stop all these negative and destructive thoughts from churning around in my head.

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Just take it hour by hour @Former-Member and try to keep occupied if you can - anything that helps take your mind elsewhere for a little while Hon. Hugs and hugs and hugs Heart

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Thinking of you @Former-Member. It's OK to think of only today and nothing beyond that. Only this moment right now. It's super hard to do sometimes though.

Tiny bit by tiny bit.

Big ❤

Re: Living with PTSD (Potentially Triggering Material)

Hi @Former-Member 


I hear you - and it's okay to stick your head in the sand sometimes - after all - what can you do about the future - one day at a time - one hour at a time is enough until you figure it all out and it seems you have had bucketloads recently


And no NBN or landline at such a time - and limited data on your phone - it seems like it's out ot get you right now - I guess the telecommunications stuff has something to do with the fires - but it is a complication you could do without


I wonder a lot about the NBN - I have it installed to my address but I haven't set up the modem yet - this whole thing has been going on for years and it's compliex 


We are here for you Sherry - and it seems like a dark time for you so we are all thinking of you


You don't need to think about the future right now - just today - 


Hugs - Dec