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Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

@Grasshopper3 @Former-Member @patientpatient

Working from home today, if you want to talk can keep an eye on the forum ...

manatee friendship.jpg



Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

hello @patientpatient @Grasshopper3

I too thought you were female before this post.

Then I did actually stop and wonder from your style of writing.

You write in a very practical style and I thought to myself I wonder if this is a male?

I imagine you find my style irritating. That does not matter.

I hope that you also find some relief posting and responding on here. Just the human contact and non judgment is so very special.

I am guessing that you would be in the minority, there would be others, not as many as females.

I have the utmost respect for yourself and your son will love you so dearly even if he cant demonstrate this.

I have read over and over, family love and support most vital.

Good luck hope to see more of you with your valuable information.


Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

hello @Former-Member Iwould prefer a hug, looks as though ready to give one.


Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

For you @Former-Member


For you @Matosh


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For you @patientpatient (I did not mistake you for a dudette ..)


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Finishing up with group hug ..





Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

hello @Grasshopper3 @Former-Member @patientpatient

Mr patient, alias unveiled, has brought up a vital point in the diagnosis.

You can actually use this to your advantage, once you are feeling more settled.

You can go back to centrelink, or spend a day waiting on the telephone.You used to be able to have the option of pressing buttons and select disability pension area. Those staff are much more civil and easier to deal with. Some of them are very nice and compassionate. Explain that the situation with your son has had a dramatic turn. He has visited his psychiatrist and now been deemed likely to deteriorate within next two years. You have been told by son's psychiatrist to take time off work as your son needs you 24/7.

Do you receive carers allowance?if they still have that. Ask, if not in the correct area ask for the number and to be put through. some companies still do this. others tell you to ring back.

Centrelink will update their files this may move things forward it may not. Importantly you wont know unless you try. You might even have the review moved forward. They may request a letter from your son's psyciatrist or a medical report.

Matosh, Darcy and Mr patient please keep on writing. good therapy for you to know that there are people listening, caring and so good for myself and new members in this situation, moving forward.




Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"


I am sure they are lovely; can only see the triangles on white boards at the minute. I shall look later.

thank youxx i will try to be clever and find something to post myself.

Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

now I can see
cant imagine a world without animals
have my cat helping me type at the minute xx

Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

@mohill wrote:

hello @Grasshopper3 @Former-Member @patientpatient

Mr patient, alias unveiled, has brought up a vital point in the diagnosis.

You can actually use this to your advantage, once you are feeling more settled.

You can go back to centrelink, or spend a day waiting on the telephone.You used to be able to have the option of pressing buttons and select disability pension area. Those staff are much more civil and easier to deal with. Some of them are very nice and compassionate. Explain that the situation with your son has had a dramatic turn. He has visited his psychiatrist and now been deemed likely to deteriorate within next two years. You have been told by son's psychiatrist to take time off work as your son needs you 24/7.

Do you receive carers allowance?if they still have that. Ask, if not in the correct area ask for the number and to be put through. some companies still do this. others tell you to ring back.

Centrelink will update their files this may move things forward it may not. Importantly you wont know unless you try. You might even have the review moved forward. They may request a letter from your son's psyciatrist or a medical report.

Matosh, Darcy and Mr patient please keep on writing. good therapy for you to know that there are people listening, caring and so good for myself and new members in this situation, moving forward.

Yes, applying for DSP soon would be a good idea because his health has deteriorated. They'll have forms to fill in and that will include a psychiatrist report plus a Centrelink psychologist will do a "job capacity assessment" based on the psych report. I always found that going to the local office was better than the phone.

I never had any luck with Carer Payment or Allowance. In their assessment, my son can manage basic feeding, washing, dressing, etc... so is not "disabled enough" for me to receive any allowance, even though I'm not working and stay home with him all the time. 

The upcomming trip could complicate things, so maybe don't apply till afterwards.

@Former-Member "Mr patient, alias unveiled" made me laugh.


Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

Hello Mr Patient

good news to hear that you laughed  

bottle it

i can't believe that you don't get a carers payment let alone allowance, Matosh and others ?.makes my blood boil

have you thought about local member of parliament? Etc or are you too drained?

are you still able to have conversation with your son without the illness?

last contact I had from my son was a week ago. Seems like months ago.

i can't wait to hear from him then I worry about what to say what not to say, listening for cues. So scared he might stop all contact.

take care both of you

thank goodness we have this place to talk to others dealing with schizophrenia, the illness that has so many unanswered questions.


Re: Prognosis: "Likely to deteriorate within next 2 years"

too tired too report but thank you for yours 

you're lovely people and lovely hug photos too

write soon

nite nite
