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Re: Respite options..

Thank you @outlander 

it took a LOT for me to ask.  I still would have benefitted from the social contact, staff and patients, even if the programs were not ideally suited to me.


Re: Respite options..

@outlander, how are you going with respite options my sister Heart

Re: Respite options..

Hi @outlander 


I have heard through the media that My Aged Care is battling and unable to provide the care that people need. This is disappointing for everyone and it is very hard for people like yourself to get help when you needed when caring for a frail elderly person.


And the question as to be who would care for Pop if you were not able to do this yourself? There are so many people - I have no idea how many - who put their own lives on hold to care for someone they love and this has to be a hard task - it is not to much to ask to have a week's respite


Twice I have had some time in respite through an ED when it was considered I wasn't in such a position to need to be in hospital but unable to manage myself at home. I am sure your Pop wouldn't be too happy to wait in an ED while you seek a week's respite for him because you need a rest but that's something I can suggest - I don't know whether it would work though. You could try. It was for chronic pain - and you certainly have that. Your health is important too


The other thing is to keep on trying with My Aged Care - it is really sad - tragic even - that people who need assistance can't get it - there is a huge waiting list 


I can imagine that really do need a week's respite. I do hope you can get a break somehow but don't have to think hard that you are finding this difficult



Re: Respite options..

Hi @outlander 

My mum went under myaged care for transaction care after she broke her hip but she refused  most of the services available to her 

Then the services was stopped when she went back into hospital for acurring  bowel obstruction 

Keep trying xxx 

Mum is showing signs of dementia  now and trying to see what is available  too 

Re: Respite options..

@outlander  Hey hunny I really dont know. I will ask around for you though and see what my support workers say. Sending you kind thoughs sweetheart. Love peaxxx

Re: Respite options..

Hey @outlander ,


Sounds tough. I don't know too much, except for that aged care facilities offer respite services. 

I know someone who only goes into respite care in the winter when he struggles more. 

sorry, that's the extent of my knowledge.

Re: Respite options..

Hey @outlander its exhausting being a carer. 


My family had zero luck, it doesn't exist and I would be shocked if you found it. The first time it ever existed was when my mother turned the magical age of 65 and even then I think it wasn't implemented until she was about 72/73.


I have never heard of anyone ever being able to access respite care unless they have an aged care plan.


My mother had to wait approximately 18 months after the paper work was completed and 18 months was considered not too bad. There are also levels of care, possibly not all levels of aged care packages qualify for respite.


I think it would be one thing to be on an aged care package in Sydney and a whole other thing to be on one in regional Australia.....there just aren't the services. 


From my own lived experiences, the way I see it, and how it was for me is that another thing going against you, is you.


As soon as a government worker knows you exist and have been caring for your Pop they will cross you off the list as taken cared for. Similar to the mental health system, the system is so overwhelmed with people who have no one, that as soon as they see a loving daughter or granddaughter they think great! they can do it. 


My advice to you would buy a Powerball ticket. Wealthy people can pay for private providers, private nursing or rehab companies to come to their home and give nursing care wile you escape down the coast for a couple of days.....for the rest of us, we are pushed to our limits.  


Corny Heart

Re: Respite options..

Sorry @outlander 

I'm only seeing this now. I don't have any suggestions but I do hope that what you have had given you some tools to work with in finding the the answers. Hugs and hugs 🤗💞

Re: Respite options..

thanks everyone, sorry its taken me so long. ill try and come back tomorrow to respond properly