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Respite options..

@Faith-and-Hope @Smc @Former-Member @Emelia8 @Anastasia @greenpea @Sophie1 @Sophia1 @Owlunar @Appleblossom 


Hi everyone

Does anyone know if there are other respite options besides the  ones you can access after an acat assessment? Im loosing more and more hope that respite will be an option. Even after speaking to a geriatrician who has been monitoring, she says its unlikey at this point pop will be approved for it through my aged care. 


Re: Respite options..

Hugs @outlander 


I dont know all the ins and outs .... Sorry .... You deserve respite on both counts of your own and your pops health issues.  I was rejected for respite in December ... when they even told me to pack my bag and attend at facility .... said I was too well . ... and it was better off if I could stay out of inpatient ... as I never have been admitted before ... a child caring for aged parent should weigh in heavier for respite than other situations ...


We havent spoke for ages ... wots happening?


Re: Respite options..

Have you asked through Carers Australia @outlander ?

Not applicable

Re: Respite options..

Hey @outlander, if it's looking unlikely that your Pop will have respite approved through ACAT, AskIzzy (not sure if you've heard of it before) is a really helpful website with a database of community services- it can let you know if there are other options out there. 

Just search "respite" and your Pop's postcode and have a look if any of the options accept referrals other than through ACAT. Good luck Heart

Re: Respite options..

Yeah @Faith-and-Hope theyve just said the best way is to get the assessment done and go from there otherwise most places will allow you to send caree there however the fees are more private based. itll be way to expensive for us to go private unfortunately

Carers aust said to ring carers gateway who told me that i need an acat assessment done and to ring my aged care so i donw that yesterday who said theyll put  in a request but might be a while and no guarantee 

Re: Respite options..

Thats a shame @Appleblossom 


I need a break from pop so i was hoping he could go somewhere for a few days or something. Its taken a lot for me to ask and to be met with this hasnt been helpful at all atm. 

Re: Respite options..

Thank you @Former-Member
I havent heard of it so ill take a look. 

Would u be able to move this thread to the carers side? I was sure i posted there but mustve posted here instead by accident 

Not applicable

Re: Respite options..

Hi @outlander 


I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through at the moment. It can be so hard to reach out for support and to be knocked back must be difficult to deal with. 


Thinking of you,



Re: Respite options..

Hello @outlander 

@please don't loose hope my love because that at the essence is all we have you have helped me to all ends just knowing and feeling you are there is great strength 

you touch more lives than you know 

and do many others, but know you are amazing you are our @outlander 

love from all and @Clawde 

Re: Respite options..

Everything crossed for you @outlander  ... 🤞🤞🤞🙏💞