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Re: My special place

Absolutely agree @Snowie - especially since shame can be such a huge part of the SH cycle at times, so being able to share openly (and not only without fear of judgement, but also getting the understanding of shared experience) is absolutely invaluable. Just another little reminder of why I'm so passionate about this space, and the power of our community connections 💜

Re: My special place

@Snowie you can improve, I know you have the strength. I think it is often important to recognise you may not go to 0 straight away. I certainly did not. Even now, I can’t see in the future, I do hope I can keep it up, but I’m just human. We are only human.

We are humans, we are constantly progressing. Recovery is a journey, not a destination.

@Jynx you’re definitely not overstepping. The forums are an amazing place to connect to others and feel less alone

Re: My special place

There is a lot of shame around it @Jynx I know professionals are there for a reason but sometimes talking to others with lived experience can be so helpful. Another reason why these forums can be so valuable.


@creative_writer recovery is certainly a journey, always changing and evolving. 

I think one of the important things is that you can see a future hon, that is such a big thing to have.



Re: My special place

@Snowie I honestly feel we need MH professionals with lived experience since it provides another lens. We have the lovely @Jynx to prove that 💖. I once saw a therapist short term who had lived experience (he indirectly implied), and I felt really connected to him. I don’t think I have ever even felt that connected with my current psych

Re: My special place

I feel the same way and agree 100% with you @creative_writer As much as my psych and pdoc are excellent in their own fields, there are some things that they just don't understand. I feel very uncomfortable at times talking to them. 

Re: My special place

@Snowie I feel uncomfortable at times too. I don’t think my psych has ever experienced depression, she is well qualified and all, is trauma informed, but I feel a bit of a disconnect. She has still helped me in the past.

My pdoc has helped too and got my meds balanced. But I’ve had moments where I felt like I was asked questions that were awkwardly phrased and really took me off guard. I think some men sometimes struggle to understand SA

Re: My special place

I'm glad your supports have still been able to help you @creative_writer 

I think I would be lost without mine.


Going to head over to the peer group chat.


Thanks for the company and chat today/tonight

I hope you get some good sleep, will talk again soon 💕


Re: My special place

@Snowie glad to hear your supports have helped. I hope you enjoy the peer chat. Thank you for the chat. I hope you rest well tonight and I will talk to you soon 💖🫂

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie , thanks for saying it's OK to talk about food. I'm sorry you have no it the depression? Well done for always keeping your fluids up. 

Sad also that the need to SH outweighs all your other thoughts 🫂 I can empathise with wanting to be numb instead. 

And shame is such a powerful, destrcutive emotion 😢

I'm comfortable talking about SH and SI, just so you know. 

Hoping today is a better day for you 💙

Re: My special place

Hi @NatureLover 

Thanks for letting me know you are comfortable talking about sh and si. For some people it really is a hard topic to talk about.

When my depression starts to worse I have quite a few symptoms. Poor appetite is one of them.


@NatureLover @creative_writer I hope both your days go well


Around if you need a chat