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Re: Tw Not Coping

Yeah very much so hahaha. 

How are you @tyme? Have you had a busy day. 

Was dinner good @Captain24?

Re: Tw Not Coping

Yeah dinner was ok @Birdofparadise8 

Re: Tw Not Coping

You doing okay @Captain24

Re: Tw Not Coping

I had a pretty chill day. @Birdofparadise8  - didn't have a very good night though because my niece asked me to sleep over at hers because "You always say you will, but you never do!"... i felt bad for not spending time with her... so I stayed with her.... arghhh.... worst sleep ever!

Re: Tw Not Coping

Aww hopefully she enjoyed it though. Let’s hope you’ll have a better sleep tonight @tyme

Re: Tw Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8  - yeah, then she wakes at 6am and wants pancakes!!!! She sure knows how to take me on a guilt trip!

Re: Tw Not Coping

Not really Im struggling a lot tonight but it’s ok @Birdofparadise8 


Did your parents go to the concert? 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Oh how old is she to wake up at 6? But pancakes are fun though @tyme

Re: Tw Not Coping

Did you want to talk about it @Captain24

I’m here to listen if you like. 

Also yes my grandparents and parents when. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

She's 7 @Birdofparadise8 . He mother would flip if she knew I gave her a spoon of icecream with the pancakes! Her mother is a health freak - only oats, weetbix, porridge for brekkie - with berries....