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Something’s not right

Re: Not Coping

That is a great goal to have. 

Are you working fulltime at the moment? @ArraDreaming 

Re: Not Coping

No just Monday to Wednesday but go full time for 6 weeks starting June @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 my darling girl I will always feel sad when you're not doing well and you have no need to feel bad about that. As I have said before, I'd rather feel sad than be hard and feel nothing when people I care about are hurting. 

I'm definitely going to make an effort to join chat on Sunday, I will need a reminder though so I can request to have the link sent to me.

I wish we could chat in real time more often too.

I don't know why my cousin didn't tell me about my aunt, and I don't know when dad found out. I was miffed he didn't tell me but he's pretty self absorbed at the moment and only thinks of himself. My mum had actually sent me a message but I hadn't checked my email until this morning. She told me as soon as she found out.

I have a frozen cottage pie that I am thinking of having for dinner, nice and easy.

How can I help you feel better princess? 

Oh, everyone loved the muffins, so thank you again for the frozen blueberry suggestion. 💙👸

Re: Not Coping

Okay, I guess I'm the same. I was so sad when you were upset (I started crying myself; however, I think I was close to crying anyway because of my sadness). I also care about you deeply. I don't think I have ever seen you mention crying while on here for whatever the reason is. @ENKELI, I guess I just feel guilty about other people's feelings of sadness because of my own feelings of sadness. 

Okay, well, as soon as I get the link, I'll post it here. @tyme should be able to tag you in the next chat. Do you have an account for the chat? 

I know, and I wish we could as well.

Mmm, that's odd. Maybe she was too absorbed by grief to think about it. I'm also sorry your dad is self-absorbed. That would be hard for you. Yum, I will have the same later in the week. 

You being here is more than enough. That's great. What muffin recipe did you use? 

Re: Not Coping

Okay, that will be good then @ArraDreaming 

Re: Not Coping

Hello @ENKELI 👋🏽

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 just know that we care for you and that's why we are sad when you're having a hard time 🥰

I think my cousin was probably dealing with his own grief that he didn't think about contacting me. He has a brain injury from a motorbike accident when he was about 17, many years ago so I give him plenty of grace because of that. 

I don't have an account for chat but I'll make sure I get it set up way before chat starts. I am looking forward to being able to chat in real time.


I have a basic muffin recipe that is just SR flour, caster sugar, eggs, milk and oil. I have used water instead of oil for low fat muffins but the oil does make them more moist. Then I just add whatever to change them up.


Have you got uni tomorrow? How are your assignments coming along?

Re: Not Coping

Hey @ArraDreaming, how are you going tonight my friend? Hope you and your family are doing well 💕


Re: Not Coping

Yeah, I know that. Thank you @ENKELI 

Ah, okay, that makes sense then. 

Okay cool. I hope you won't have any issues. 

No classes tomorrow, but I have a job interview and study. Two assignments left and they are hard, but I'll get through it. Group work is very challenging. 

I didn't get any of the jobs I had recently interviewed for. 

I have medical admin experience, but not in a doctor's clinic. It's only because one other person has an edge over me. I'm either too qualified for retail, etc. or underqualified for admin. 

Re: Not Coping

Good thank you
Off to bed here cya @ENKELI @Birdofparadise8 Mrs is trying to get me to watch Bridgeton from the start with her
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