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Something’s not right

Re: Someone help me

still another sad day for me. still struggleing . dont know what to do to with my day. i do have a doc app this morning. but what do i do after that. 

Image result for pic of sad girl

Re: Someone help me

can some one give me some ideas of what to do when i get back from my doc app please. i dont want to have another melt down

Re: Someone help me

can some one please talk to me. i feel so lonely. ha now i desperate. i dont mean to be . i just want some one to talk to

Re: Someone help me

i'm here dear sweet @Bubbles3,
I'm feeling low after reading my mother's unpleasant words in her post about me.
I hope you feel better soon. I've called lifeline to get some help. 131114. They
are a free call from any mobile in Australia. The counsellors there are very caring.
I hope and pray you feel better dear lovely bubbles. Try watching telly or try another distraction from your worries lovely Bubbles. It really helps me

Re: Someone help me

Hey @Bubbles3. Love your new avatar 🙂 Is that your bird? Gizmo? (I think you mentioned him/her the other day).

What do you enjoy doing Bubbles? Is there anything you can think of that you might be able to do for yourself after your appointment?

Re: Someone help me

thanks @BambiFawn. im sitting out in the wind and cold which is pissig me off even more. im a smoker. iv just had some meds to try and calm me down. im just getting more and more aggitated by the minute.

Re: Someone help me

im not sure @CheerBear. i feel like im loosing control again. i ave so many thing that i could do but my head is stopping me from doing them, if you understand that

Re: Someone help me

I understand @Bubbles3. It's so frustrating when we know what might help but there's something stopping us from doing it.

I noticed you said you were feeling really agitated. When I feel like that it's almost impossible for me to sit still and I have to do something physical to release some of it. What about going for a walk? Sometimes even writing (quickly, not thinking about what I'm writing, not caring about making sense, on paper almost scratching the words with a pen etc) can be a bit of a release.

Re: Someone help me

Yeah i do a lot of writting @CheerBear. I just spoke to life line. I feel a bit calmer now. Better go to my doc app now. Talk soon. Thanks @CheerBear

Re: Someone help me

Ya @Bubbles3,
Lifeline have some great counsellors.
It's good to get something of your chest and the good thing is they are there 24/7.
This is an awesome forum too and do counselling as well. I'm sure they are really caring and kind.
I love your bird avatar too.
Hope you have a good day today. I watered the garden and did some chores. Petting my cat really helps. she is so loving. We love cuddles. Does your bird talk?
hugs and blessings

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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