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Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 13 Dec. 7pm AEDT

Hi again everyone -

Sorry for delayed reply - finally have energy to reply... 

Thank you for telling me I matter & the cyber hugs - @Appleblossom@Shaz51, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @SwearyCyn@greenspace@BlueBay Heart Cyber hugs & strength to all of you....

My psychiatrist did not offer hospital - I did not tell her exactly how bad I was feeling in the email - the emails go through admin & I think the receptionists read them, so I rarely communicate with her via email.... I needed a script & I wanted to explain why I canceled my Monday appointment (as the receptionist asked when I rang to cancel on Friday & I said I would ring her pager - I did, but missed her call & I don't like talking on the phone these days anyhow) It is best that I don't go to hospital, as my psychiatrist would probably want to increase my medication "just for a few months" & I would feel like I was going backwards on my arduous journey.... Thank you @BlueBay for the humor about sneaking me into hospital, but I rather join you on the beach! 

Thank you for your very kind thoughtful description of me @Appleblossom Heart

@Former-Member your situation sounds very hard - I hope you get through it okay... Sending lots of strength Heart Heart

I was going to do xmas cards, but just like the whole idea of it being okay to "ignore" it... 

I'll get back to you re your email @Former-Member

Thank you all - best wishes for getting through it in a way that makes sense for you... I agree with - may it be not as bad as you feared! 

Ahimsa - Namaste,


Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 13 Dec. 7pm AEDT

Sorry I missed Tuesday night.  I've read through your wonderful posts.  Yes the beach, wine under a tree, a good book and the movie marathon all great ideas as is ignoring Christmas all together.  I feel awkward for nearly all of December as I don't really enjoy Christmas either.  I feel some grief - that's natural.  I get cross with relatives, but bottle it up and try to be nice then get all conflicted!  Most Christmas days I work my job which is great.  I'm single no kids.  MI many years ago which the relatives havent forgotten so I'm a bit of a black sheep.   Xmas Day coping - I tried going for a bush walk one year but then got the guilts about going alone - what if I tripped or something or the car broke down - consequences etc.  I'm stressing because someone I know is putting a lot of pressure on me to go to her family on xmas day and I simply don't want to go.  When it boils down to it, I'd rather see my own family - tensions, warts and all.  Worrying too much about it all.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 13 Dec. 7pm AEDT

.. been there, muggins, well not to your rels lol.. but yeah second guessing on my part mainly will I wont I re xmas .. usually better off and turns out better than imagined. It's just the thought of it for me..funny it can seem to get a life of its own then go back to ignoring each other no contact etc

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 13 Dec. 7pm AEDT

And never feel guilty about being on your own.. what if you did trip? What if you rode a fast motorbike what if you crossed street in wrong place? ... what if... future 'whatifs' are the the only ones you have any control over.. pencil the rest in.. and am talking for myself too obv .. Hi

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 13 Dec. 7pm AEDT

Thanks for your reply @TAB, so right. It's only another day.  I will probably do what I normally do after work and not stress too much about it.