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Foundational supports... the gap not covered by NDIS

Some services are being removed from NDIS and are supposed to be funded by the states. The new ecosystem is also supposed to cover people not on NDIS. Then there's the aged sector of people who were deemed ineligible for NDIS from the start, but equivalent funding is not available from My Aged Care.

The new Foundational Supports don't yet exist and won't for years. In fact states closed disability services of this type after NDIS was introduced.  For an outline see...

This 20-month-old boy personifies the NDIS issue expected to dominate 2025 - ABC News

I'm too old for NDIS. I would have been eligible during a brief window when I was too focussed on surviving to suss out how to apply and initiate the paperwork.  I've been told I qualify for subsidised psychology sessions through the Commonwealth Home Support Program but there don't seem to be any providers in my area. (It's tied to registered providers).

The government rhetoric around Foundational Supports when none are actually in place reminds me of the  Community Care rhetoric prevalent when psychiatric care was reformed and large psychiatric hospitals and public mental health clinics were closed. Yes there are now some community mental health services but they're strictly triaged, timebound, and age limits are in place. 

I'm not sure how the transfer of responsibility from NDIS to state-provided Foundational Supports will affect the forums community but it's likely to severely impact early interventions for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. 

I'd encourage SANE to watch this space.

@tyme @RachSANECEO 





Re: Foundational supports... the gap not covered by NDIS

I was only reading this this morning. I can see how people are 'lost' between 2 systems and they are not alone in this @Dimity