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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

@Former-Member HeartHeart

lots of thinking at the moment my friend , you are thinking a lot too , i can imagine, sending you daily hugs and sitting with you daily 

1) the rest of the house is nearly all good -- having showers has slowed down the work which does not matter , climax the other day seeing it being torn away -- lot os tears -- but not now 

2) i am the money saver in the family --- mr shaz is totally worried about what is going to happen when my mum goes , there goes mum`s pension and my carers pension --- like your situation my friend xoxo

3) about this Covid vac happening -- with me having diabetes and kidney disease -- wondering when to ge it or not , going to ring doctor tomorrow about it 

4) mum`s health  with physical problems and dementia and now her arm is soo sore nearly all the time 

sorry for going on , you have soo much on your plate like we all have here 

also sending hugs to @outlander@Appleblossom@greenpea@Eve7@Emelia8@Owlunar@Faith-and-Hope@Adge@Smc@eth@BlueBay 

i know i havee missed a lot of names, going to come around and say hello to everyone xxx


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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

No need to apologise @Shaz51 we are here to support each other. 


As you are no doubt aware, having a plan in place for the future  is necessary. Having to do it alone or with little help whilst dealing with grief and loss is hard.  I am grateful for the training resources offered through the Carer Gateway which I will likely utilise when the time comes. 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Have to have a look at carers gateway @Former-Member 

Mr shaz  has lots of ideas for the future  but I kind of like having a flexible  plan 

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Plan needs to be flexible @Shaz51 as we know life gets in the way ....

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

However @Shaz51  , saying "what do we need to do to achieve one or more of these ideas and what work are you/we prepared to do towards it as well as asking "What are we prepared to limit other spending on to make the dream possible?" 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Sire does @Former-Member 🥰❤

Sometimes it is hard taking a day at a time xx 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Just giving you a  picture  here @Former-Member 

Mr shaz wants to sell the land '



A big holiday 

Sell mum's house 

Buy a house 40km away where it rains less  


How is your mum  going xx 

Re: Not sure what to do !!!

Thank you @Shaz51 the tag is much appreciated.

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Re: Not sure what to do !!!

We sure need wisdom @Shaz51