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Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar @Zoe7 


Feeing grateful for a few great days.  Especially today.  My son helped me clean and vacuum.  Then we met his son and went for a walk along the river with a group of 6.  Had the most wonderful time with the dear little boy.  Then they agreed to visit for 40 mins and so I got to see his little feet pitter patter on my paving stones.  Fond memories.  Just wanted to share.

Hope you are both not too bad ....

Hugs Apple

Re: Life can be a Pain

What a lovely day @Appleblossom  thank you for sharing.



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hello @Owlunar , @Zoe7 , @Appleblossom 


the sun is shining here today and mr shaz is on a high getting involved in lots of little projects today alll day @tyme 

I have been busy getting more clothes and nightie for my mum 

washing, going to the local op shop , visiting my mum , catching up on some bookwork , repotting plants 

ha ha out of one pot i made 4 more new pot plants 

poor mum was not the best today with lots of stomach pains and swollen legs , it upsets me soo much to see 

hello @Eve7 and hugs my friend 

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks for sharing such an uplifting day for you @Appleblossom 


@Owlunar 💙 @Shaz51 💚

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Eve7 @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Shaz51 


Mumma Bear has a poor sore wing - I have no idea how I managed it - I poured a freshly made coffee (with milk) on my arm and needed an ambulance trip to hospital to have it dressed - that made it feel much better.


I didn't plan this - it just happened - and this is incredible - I have to say it though - and plan to get onto my local member in the morning.


The ambulance came very quickly - MEPACS ordered it - and they were great - I wanted to go to the private ED - they insisted the local hospital - Sandringham - is affiliated with the Alfred and that's the best place to go with burns. Oh yes - for a five minute consult with the doctor and a wonderful nurse who did the dressing and got me a coffee - 


The ambos were there with me for about 3 hours until they had a bed in the ED - and that is because there was a crowd in the ED - 


So I was a witness to the problem in our emergency services - what other people were there for I have no idea - the ambos were great with me - they just have to wait with their patient until they get a bed.


I felt it was all out of control and burns scare me - they all assured me that it was the right thing to do to get an ambulance and get into hospital. So I don't feel guilty - just stunned at the traffic jam there and that the ambos were treating my pain while I waited - they were great - so was the hospital staff.


But wow - enough said. My arm has a dressing from wrist to elbow - my bad arm - but it feels okay now - all the hours later.


This is all about me - I know - I didn't know you had a grandson Apple - and you heard the patter of his little feet - that is great news - and Shaz - I get it about going without because Mr Shaz found EBAY - I know that happens - or something similar - my ex kept asking where all my money was - I never told him - or that when the kids were young I played the stock market - and at times - like you - I had to pay for his purchases - at the time I was saving my money to leave the marriage.


Oi! - Shaz - I hear you - I commiserate - I really get it - aw - if sharing helps - I think it does.


And Zoe - I read last night you are very tired after taking your Mum to and from hospital - all that driving - and the stress - no wonder you were done in.


And welcome to your little party Eve - it's great to have you here


Mumma Bear



Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh dear Mumma Bear @Owlunar that is not good to hear about your burn and the long wait at the ED but I’m glad you had such lovely people surrounding you.


I hope you can have a good night’s sleep and the burn heals quickly. 💚😊💚

Re: Life can be a Pain



Oh dear @Owlunar its nasty being on your own when significant "accidents" happen.  I am glad you were able to get quick and decent treatment for your sore wing.  Good to hear from you no matter what. 


I have been a little pushed out regarding my grandson.  Another of my sore spots. My son is not assertive with them. I having to learn! The other grandmother was visiting from overseas and starting shoo ting staccato speech at him and I stopped her and said she had enough tiime with him and she should not dominate our couple of hours per month with speaking another language, when she can speak English. When she angrily insisted on her grandmother rights, mother tongue etc etc .... I told her "Dont be angry".  I was so proud of myself.  I am starting to speak up "in the moment" thats a first!  She did shut up and behave herself. I did not even have to say that I had grandmother rights too.  Maybe she realised. She does not seem to know how to talk in a normal voice ... We met her when I was doing Shakespeare years ago Angry and Loud and throwing around 2 men ... ex husband and new/old partner. Her daughter sought sympathy from me in coping with with her .... that is how it all started ... and I still have sympathy for the daughter (now my grandson's mother).  The little boy goes overseas to opposite side of the globe but cannot make it over the Westgate bridge ... in his home town. I am being challenged by my counsellor to do the mumma bear thing.  I dont think she realises how much my inner mamma bear had been truncated before even my daughter's birth let alone my sons.  Lets hope I can find my mojo and pop it on my grandmotherhood and help set things on a more just path for us all.


@Shaz51 We can all be Garden Queens.... doing our thing .... hope your health is not too bad along with all the Mr Shaz and other family kerfuffles.  Life!


@Zoe7 You have been inspiring and a warm friend.


@Eve7 Hugs Bella


I have a counselling session today. 

Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh my  Mumma Bear @Owlunar hope you are feeling a bit better 😍


ohh hugs @Appleblossom , @Zoe7 , @Eve7 ❤️


ohh thank you @Appleblossom for your care , my health is constantly aches and pains , finding to do things are getting harder and harder , going to get in touch with my team again to see what i can do 

the specialist said do what i am doing but nothing will help until dialysis and later a transplant in the future 

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar Oh Mumma Bear 😥 I hope you are not in too much pain today. Not at all what you needed. I hear you about the wait times with Ambulances at hospitals. We have the same issue down south - so many are ramped because we do not have enough beds nor doctors to look at all patients that come through. The last time I was in ED they had one doctor on for the whole evening and she was already doing a double shift. 


@Appleblossom How did your counselling session go my dear friend?


@Shaz51 @Eve7 💕

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Eve7 


Hi - all my little bear cubs - or owlets - whichever fits today - my wing has been okay today - it was painful during the night - the medication helped - I woke up late, tired and very flat. 


And my house was a mess - I had shopping bags on the floor in the kitchen and the bench tops had stuff not put away - and there were the clothes full of damp coffee I had pulled off and left on the floor, more washing I hadn't hung out - and water all over the kitchen floor when I had sprayed it around holding my wing under running water. What a mess.


I rang my clinic and got an appointment with a doctor I trust - I wouldn't take one with the doctor who gave me a lecture about my medication before Christmas - I will see what the damage is like tomorrow when I get the dressing changed.


The receptionist told me to take it easy - oh really - at least I don't do much with my left arm anyway but I couldn't live with chores half done and all the mess from the first aid I did - people don't realise that I live alone I'm sure and I am strong about my independence - this has put a bit of a crimp in my day but I will be okay.


The ambos were really sorry that there was no one I could ring - I told them my daughter's health isn't good. There is my son-in-law's kids - I really don't know them that well and have no idea of their phone numbers - it doesn't bother me being so alone - I get on with my neighbours and the people I meet but have no close friends - I am okay with that - it's always weird though when I have to tell someone else - which feels strange to me. That's life.




Those aches and pains must be really tough - and I know you can't take anything really effective to help - it surprises me still that it's taking a long time to get onto dialysis - waiting for a kidney transplant I understand but surely your health would be better if your poor little kidney didn't have to work so hard to be minimally affective - or is that effective?


Geez Apple - your grandson's other grandmother sounds like a dragon - I understand how being pushed out of the little blokes life feels - I didn't see much of my granddaughter when she was young - ever really - though we do talk on the phone and I am welcome to visit her in Queensland when-ever I get around to going there again. My daughter has always been touchy about things that would never bother me - but that's her and she is entitled to be who she is.


Right now - since the last little go she had at me I am not in a hurry to talk to my daughter - I know she has multiple health issues and I don't tell her everything either - when we speak I am either a over-the-top Polllyanna or I am in for some kind of lecture on how to fix something I only mentioned - not complained about - I do get it - she is afraid and maybe my health problems scare her more than she wants to think about - if she thinks I expect her to care for me in my old age I am already there and managing - I would not expect her to do anything for me anyway. She had a go at me when she was here at Easter - I understand - actually every time she says something she is saying more about herself than me. Time will pass - I know her pretty well and I know myself even better. 


Hi Zoe and Eve - great to see you - my arm doesn't want to type much and I haven't replied to everyone yet - but getting there - I might have to stop soon


All the best ladies


Mumma Bear


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