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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@TAB  Sorry you haven't got confirmation about a border pass to see your dad.   Really tough, I hope it comes through.   Being in the wheelchair having seizures  I can't cook Christmas lunch.   Food is so complicated in our house with some vegans and some meat eaters and I'm in the middle......  So......   Broke as I am I gave myself a break and ordered caterers......  

@Rosemary4 @Zoe7 @BlueBay @cloudcore 

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Angels333  hope you have a good Christmas. 

Ah, am allowed to go and see  father, just not to come back ha ha lol, so have been a bit sneaky and put in application to come back even though haven't left the state , just to see what happens lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom




I might go to Bunnings and get some coloured lights for the loungeroom window.

 @TAB  good thinking, hope it works.

@Angels333  - at least you're doing something that will work and not just giving up. Could you ask others to contribute to the catering? Instead of gifts maybe? You've inspired me to make more effort 👍

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

yeah I might just see what they come up with and take it onboard @Rosemary4  would be just easier to wait til SA supposedly isnt 'medium risk ' not sure much happening there for that to be the case Anyhoo..

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

What a nice idea and picture. This year it will just be me and we do not have any kinds of decorations as we are living remote. And the same with the whole town, it is a bit sparse on christmas spirit so for the life of me, I do not know what I will do and maybe just let this one pass. Will be reading to hear what everyone else will get up to and wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday period ❤️ 

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @LookingHopeful, thanks for your Festive well wishes. Sure does sound like your too isolated & travelling light for Christmas fuss. I always like to do at least a few jelly cups, potatoes salad, cold meat, eggnog, rum balls, baked dinner. xox

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

images (11).jpeg

Did my Christmas cards today. It took all my strength to focus, to stick with it till finished. Probably because of all the family losses of late. Makes me sad. But I held it together and did them all, stamped and addressed by the door to go. I pray they are well received, and maybe even draw a reply. 

Speaking of cards. My incoming has dwindled since the divorce some years back. This is where being a hoarder helps. Instead of crying that people don't love me anymore... I pull out and hang the best of the old Chrissy cards with names and all 🤗 

The love that was is eternal, it never dies.


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hey, where is everyone? I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit here. Looking for ideas for Christmas dinner?

Looks like I won't be alone 😃👍. A friend has invited me to a dinner party. 🎉🎍🍒🥗🎈

Wewere just discussing dishes, what I can bring etc. images (3).jpeg

Hot or cold? Cold, she has the chicken & Ham, tossed salads, rice salad, plum pudding. 

Wants me to bring icecream & custard 😕

I might sneak in a trifle or Pavlova 😋

Have you guys got any plans 


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Mailed my Christmas cards yesterday ✓ picked up drinks etc. Really anxious & agitated at shops these days. Too much stimuli I guess, and people, and covid, and lights, and more lights, and self conscious about appearance, and stuff everywhere, and maths, and decisions decisions, and and more decisions and ankle pain (sprained it) and deep breaths deep breaths..

something different, There was a hippie stand with insence where smoke drifts DOWN. Haven't seen that before. And I could pay direct into their bank (from my bank app on the phone) which I didn't know we could do. I got those hippy flags and headbands. The clothes were all toooooo small as usual 😕  love the colours, cotton & comfort style, but gosh, they must live on celery sticks down there in hippieland lol


Thing is, the shoppers, crowds, business,  long lines and lights all trigger me, the Anxiety (I've denied having for years)  usevto love the shops, but it's really stressful out now, I got palpitations and had to rest the rest of the day. So not waiting 'till next week. Im getting in early before it gets worse. 


But there is a happy buzz out there that was missing last year. Bizarre with the boarders opening at the same time 😕 Omicron here we come lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@TAB - any news on the boarder application?