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Re: My big news... I think????

Wish I could magically take away your pain @Powderfinger 

Hopefully some ❤️❣️💞 and hugs will help 🤗🤗🤗

Re: My big news... I think????

Photos from today. 


Where I have been putting my stuff. Have a huge room of the side of the house. I just use it for storage. Been keeping chairs etc there. 


Included a photo of my workshop today. Outdoors. I do not have a proper workshop yet. I will need one. 


Also a picture of one finished chair, sanded back. Got to do another final sand before stain and varnish. 


On the chair, there was etched in lines. Quite a lot. It was quite strange. Anyhow they are gone now. 


Unfortunately I have to sand a little by hand to get into places the sander and other tool I have could not get into. I don't like sanding by hand at all. 


Anyway, I'm not doing as much tomorrow. Need a break. I say that's the do heaps. Lol. 


Thanks for the support @Maggie @Anastasia @SJT63 @Gwynn 









Re: My big news... I think????



The love and hugs are very much appreciated and do help. Thank you. 



Re: My big news... I think????

@Powderfinger  They look amazing. I have done a bit of furniture renovations in the past, so I have a bit of an idea of the process. Sawdust, mess, but satisfying, very satisfying.


I know all the other pain is lurking around, and I know you are doing more than your best to stay afloat . We see you @Powderfinger . We appreciate you and your efforts.


Thankyou for asking how I am. It’s been an extra tricky week. An unexpected meeting with someone from  many years ago brought a flood of unexpected emotional pain. People look so successful when we are broken. Plus my little dog has been unwell. She’s my life and Lifeline.


I hope your day of rest today is peaceful and relaxing. Sending some ❣️❣️❣️


Re: My big news... I think????

@Anastasia  I hope you got that downtime you were hoping for yesterday. 🤞🤞🤞


Does that mean a weekend of work ?


Sending you lots of 💙💙💙


@Gwynn @SJT63 ❣️❣️❣️

Re: My big news... I think????

Hello @Maggie 

No weekend off thank goodness.

I'm sorry about your expected visitor, are you ok? 

How is your fur baby now? Better I hope?

Have to fly but I'll check in on you later xxxlove and hugs also to @Powderfinger @SJT63 @Gwynn 



Re: My big news... I think????

@Powderfinger, that looks amazing! What will your next project be?

Re: My big news... I think????



Thank you. Oh yes, lots of mess definitely. I am however an organised and tidy person. My tools get a clean afterwards every time. I clean up.after a day's work. I don't yet have a workshop. That is in the pipeline for next year. Yes, though it is immensely satisfying and I do love it. 


This is true Maggie. The pain is very much there. Lots of it. I think.about two years of recovery is more than fair to say. I have not even begun. I did however go to my first session this week with a new therapist. It was a good decision. My old therapist wasn't right for me. I wasn't ready to talk about many things. I'm.ready, but it has to be with the right person. Hopefully this will go ok? 


Thank.yiu do much for seeing me. Amongst all of this, I can still see and see you too. 


Oh, the past back again. Unwanted and Unexpected. I'm sorry that it happened. I have no doubt it triggered a lot and sometimes there's just places we don't want to go ever again. I hope you are being very kind and gentle with yourself. 


I understand what you mean about others looking so successful when you are broken. I will.say this though, that is very rarely true. It depends on how one measures success and what areas of life they are measuring success too. Comparison Maggie is never a good idea. Just putting another spin on things. Perhaps you could look at what your ideas are of being successful is. Not anyone elses success, your success. 


I hope your little baby is getting well. Our pets usually often are our life and lifeline. I'm absolutely wanting a fog do bad but can't have one where I live. 


I took.the day off work today and may do so again tomorrow. I did go to Bunnings and Spotlight to get some things, but that's all. 


Sending you love and strength. 

Re: My big news... I think????



Thank you. I'm.really not sure what my next project will be. It won't be till next year. I'm taking extended time off, more than likely going on a vacation and trying to.figure out where to next with many things, plus Im not 100% right in my head, so that is going to take a considerable amount of time. 

Re: My big news... I think????

@Powderfinger - best of luck with everything. Sending you lots of good wishes.