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Need more help for my brother


I'm writing on behlf of my brother who is having suicidal thoughts. It's an ongoing process but is getting worse.

He has divorced his wife, has lost his job, and currently going through the process of selling their joint home so the wife can start a new life. It's all too much for him.

He is drinking alcohol excessively to try and numb his anxiety and has been on anxiety medications for years. 

He has been in Detox for alcohol at least 10 times but comes out and can't deal with his problems and anxiety so resorts back to alcohol again. 

The last time he did Detox he came out with excessive shaking which has been ongoing for a month now and he can't stand it. He doesn't want to live like that.

We have suggested Rehab as a way of helping to manage his life and anxiety but he can't see how that will help and does not want to go to Rehab.

Yesterday was the latest attempt [removed by moderator] and was taken by ambulance with the police to hospital and was sectioned under the mental health act but they let him go home after he was assessed!!! If he was sectioned why did they let him go home?? We don't understand it.

He needs to stay somewhere where they can treat his mental health issues without sending him home until he is sorted out.

The hospital just sends him home after he sobers up but he needs mental health treatment and extra medication or different medication.

He rings Life Line at night when he can't sleep.

His GP can't help anymore because he says it's now a mental health issue. 

How do we get him admitted somewhere where they will treat his mental health and anxiety once and for all?

What else can we do?

Thank you for any suggestions. 


Re: Need more help for my brother

Hi @TanyaS I'm sorry to hear about your brother. It can be sooo hard to feel helpless in situations like this. 


First off, if you are ever worried that your brother is in immediate danger, or at risk of hurting himself or someone else, please call 000 right away. You can also get in touch with your local CATT


Unfortunately we can't force people to change or to get help. Sometimes we do need to take a step back to look after ourselves too. I hope you also have some support for yourself? 


You may also benefit from chatting through your options with someone - there's always the SANE line (1800 187 263 Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm) or you could reach out to Family Drug Support


He's lucky to have you looking out for him 💜

Re: Need more help for my brother

Thank you Jynx. I still feel helpless as I want him to be better but it's hard to get through to him.