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Re: Bad thoughts

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Re: Bad thoughts

Hi there, hope you're getting through 🙂


I have regularly had suicidal thoughts for years. I'm at the point where I roll my eyes at them: "You done? Excellent, I'm gonna have a shower if it's all the same to you." Suicidal thoughts lose their power when you stop giving a shit about them. It takes a lot of practice though.


If you can start to detach yourself from the negative charge of terrible thoughts, you might eventually find yourself living in an absurdist comedy like me!


Take care. I'm not in here frequently, but others are often around to chat if you need to pop back and share thoughts, feelings and a virtual cuppa ️ 

Re: Bad thoughts

Hey Anon4

You have the right idea my friend, detaching from your thoughts can work well, I have tried it myself, positive self talk has help me in the dark days as another way of dealing with negative thoughts as well, you can fake it to you make it, well best of luck on your journey Anon4.

Warm Regards


Re: Bad thoughts

Hey Holly83

Stick in there my friend, when the bad thoughts come you know they will always go away. Things I did in the past was write things down that you have achieved in my life or things that you love to do, another helpful hints is, don't be alone when you are have bad thoughts, have a family member or close friend stay the night or stay with them, alternately give them a call. Holly83 are you getting any help like conselling or seeing a psychologist or been part of support group. A therapy that worked well for me is CBT( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) It was life changing for mw and today I am in a lot better place and know this Holly83 there is always hope and help out there for you, take care for now and keep on smiling. 

Warm Regards
