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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Rosemary4 @Zoe7 @LookingHopeful @TAB @Angels333 @Daisydreamer and others.


@Rosemary4 as for Christmas dinner ideas, I'm not much help as Christmas dinner for my family has always been salads and leftover meat and chicken from the family Christmas lunch. We used to have split meals at our Christmas Day as my mother's family had trouble with her sister and brother (Mums) so we'd have Mums sister and my grandparents for lunch with my 2 cousins and then dinner with Mums brother and his partner who didn't have kids. Mum would always make her apple pie and a chocolate ripple cake full of lollies for dessert. My grandmother would cook the pork and make brandy snaps and eclairs which were always a favourite at Christmas time and my sister would always get her to make the custard as Mum could never make it properly without lumps! 

As for my Christmas Day this year, it'll be me and my cat Mitz for lunch and dinner as my housemate is going to see her family after breakfast. I'm hoping to get a roast chicken for lunch and I'll have some ham and maybe a pasta salad with it and some plum pudding as well. I'll save the Baileys infused pannatonne for sharing with my housemate that we purchased at Coles on Sunday. I've also got some knitting planned of a new jumper with wool I purchased for Christmas for myself so I'll probably put on the repeat of Caroles by Candlelight on TV and be a happy little camper! Oh, and I'll be around in the Sane forums as well if anyone wants to join me on Christmas Day! 

Currently I'm working on a last minute Christmas gift in the form of a knitted Crazy Blanket for my housemate/ best friend as my gift I had planned - another blanket made out of knitted squares- has gone missing in the recent house move. Busy times ahead!



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Um no reply yet @Rosemary4 been like 4 days too bad if was waiting at border lol Think wait til next year now

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@TAB, Yeah, can't rush the government 🤐😒

@Judi9877 Sounds ok - we'll be here for each other 💗 Hope you finish the crazy knit gift, sounds awesome! 🌺

Just realised I left the cooked chicken bout after lunch 3hrs, do you think it's safe to still eat if I cook it up in a stew?

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Chicken safe just horrible guess lol @Rosemary4
Yeah half wondering if they are waiting to get nearer to date put on application as put like 29 Dec or something lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hope so @TAB, maybe I'll do butter chicken. I'd just gonifvi were you TAB, they'll let you back.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Well they really wont let me back I think @Rosemary4
Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

🎄Morning to all the wonderful forumites following this Christmas thread for 2021 🎄

I'm hoping everyone is coping okay in the lead up to Christmas and New Years. Our next Topic Tuesday might come in handy for some in this thread as we'll be discussing strategies for coping during the holiday season with one of our lovely SANE counsellors Smiley Happy

Would love to see you all there, but tagging a few members who've taken part in this conversation over the past few  weeks @LookingHopeful @Angels333 @BlueBay @Judi9877 @TAB @Zoe7 @Rosemary4 @Shaz51 (hope I haven't left anyone out!)

Re: Christmas Loungeroom





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Chrissy memes 🤶🎄🎅



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Good evening @Rosemary4 @Zoe7 @Former-Member @TAB @LookingHopeful @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer and everyone here. I hope your Christmas preparations are going well and you aren't over shopping just yet! I'm personally over hunting down precious car parking spots at the local major shopping centre and are determined to shop

local tomorrow for the last minute lunch and dinner ideas! 

Right now, I'm watching Channel 7 with Carols in the Domain on TV whilst knitting a beanie for the Salvation Army. I'm feeling a little emotional so I'm trying to take care of myself by thinking of others and knowing that the beanie I'm knitting will be very much appreciated next winter by a deserving recipient as well as helping my mental health by choosing coloured yarn that makes me feel happy. I think this year has been pretty full on for me mentally and emotionally that everything is finally reaching me as to what I've been through, including having flashbacks to my hospital admission in September for 9 days. Part of me just wants to curl up and cry with tears trying to sneak down whilst watching TV. I'll be fine though. I'm tough and strong and know that if I do cry, it'll be good stress relief so I'm fine with that. I may email my psychologist to let him know what's going on if I feel up to doing so. I'll be fine. Don't worry about this forumite!


Below is a photo of a Christmas tree I took at one of the local shopping centres just to get in the festive spirit. I hope you like it! I'm sorry that it's sideways- I don't know how to fix it!



Take care and enjoy the festive spirit!


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Try to be kind to yourself @Judi9877
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