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Re: Far and Away

❤️ @Zoe7 ....

Re: Far and Away




hope Cat feels better soon , maybe just feeling sore and sorry for hersefl my sister , just keep an eye on her and that none of the scracthes get infected xoxo

I am off to bed too 

mr shaz did not have a very good brain day today , i had to remember to get eveything , ohh well 

good nigth @HappyCastle@Emelia8@Snowie@Sans911

Re: Far and Away

@Shaz51 I can't find any scratches or bites on her but that does not mean there aren't some. She has a very thick coat so there could be one or two I haven't been able to find. I will certainly be keeping my eye on her and will check her over again tomorrow when hopefully she is much more settled. I am going to leave her biscuits and treat on the table for her tonight in the hope once the rest of us are in bed she will eat them. She has eaten all her food today (both when we got her back and at dinner time) so hoping she is just full and not hungry.


Such a lot you deal with and have to do for everyone - you are truly amazing Heart Goodnight my sister Heart

Re: Far and Away

Good night @Shaz51 😴💕

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope How are you feeling this evening after your meeting this morning?

Re: Far and Away

I was feeling more confident after the meeting this morning @Zoe7, but then ex's team changed things.


There are checks and balances in place though, so hoping it will be okay. 

Re: Far and Away

Oh @Faith-and-Hope he just cannot stop can he grr!!! I hope it all falls your way. Good luck with the meeting in the morning - let me know how it goes Hon. I will be thinking of you and sending the warmest of thoughts to you Heart

Re: Far and Away

Thank you @Zoe7 ..... it's designed to wear me down.  My gorgeous friends here are helping buoy me up.  I appreciate you so much !!



Re: Far and Away

@Zoe7 so glad Cat is ok and you had a good night at your sisters house.

@Faith-and-Hope hoping today is a little better for you. 


Thinking of you both today 💞

@Shaz51 💜💜

Re: Far and Away

Thank you @Snowie  ..... 💜❄️

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