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Re: Tw Not Coping

Sounds nice then @Captain24


Well I hope it goes well for you tonight and talk later. I’m doing to bed. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Sleep well @Birdofparadise8 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Good night @Captain24 @Birdofparadise8 - I'm getting sleepy too!

See you both later in the week.

Re: Tw Not Coping

Hey @Captain24 @tyme 


Did you both have a good day. 

I finished my book verity so that was good now I’m starting girl in pieces so that will be interesting I hear it’s very dark. 

Also my day started out alright but then by lunch time I was sitting in my car crying and really sad for no apparent reason. So that was great and the rest of my afternoon hasn’t been very good. I’m feeling sad and everything that goes along with depression so that’s just so fun hahaha. 

Hope your both doing better then me today. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

I'm sorry to hear @Birdofparadise8 - it is so hard sometimes. Just I also believe sometimes it is good for us to just cry it out. It can be quite soothing.


Depression is not a nice beast, and this beast needs to be tackled in a certain way only when you are ready. I lived with this depressive beast for many years - but I had to wait until I was ready because i was able to take charge.


You are not alone. Yet I can also vouch for the hope and light up ahead. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Thank you @tyme


How do you tackle it in a certain way do you mean with like therapy or something? 

I hope there is light because I definitely don’t see it today. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Sorry your feeling this way @Birdofparadise8.

Depression sucks! Is there anything that triggered you that you want to talk about? Or is it one of those ‘I don’t know why’ moments? 

Re: Tw Not Coping

Thank you @Captain24 


Im not really sure just kind of happened I guess it’s just so hard feeling like this every day it’s just so exhausting. 

Re: Tw Not Coping

I read up on it, I worked with a therapist, I watched Dr Russ Harris' animations on Youtube... @Birdofparadise8 


This was all head-knowledge at first, but as I experienced different things, I think back and realise..."Oh! Is THAT what they were going on about?"


So I find it is a journey of discovery. You learn as you experience things and I also learnt a lot by connecting with people. At first, it's like another language, but after, it makes sense.


Yes, there IS light. I know there is.

Re: Tw Not Coping

Ok I’ll have a look and see if I can find the YouTube video then @tyme


I guess there is but I just don’t see it yet. I’m definitely a long way away from it. Let’s hope I’ll find it some day soon. I’ve only been depressed for what 5 months and it’s been the most awful thing ever I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I don’t know how people can go on with it for so long. It’s an absolute beast that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how much I try.