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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Judi9877   and  @Eve7  wishing you both a kind and caring Christmas. Lots of love peaHeartHeart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@HenryX  Merry Christmas my friend. Hoping it is full of love and laughter. Love peaxx

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Wanderer  thinking of you today. Love to you peaxx

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Merry Christmas @NatureLover.🎄🎁

I hope your day is going well and you are enjoying yourself!



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi there @greenpea  @Zoe7 @TAB @NatureLover @Eve7 @Shaz51 @MDT @LookingHopeful @Rosemary4 and everyone here. Just checking in to make sure things are going okay for everyone. 

I'm currently knitting the rib of my new jumper from the wool I got for Christmas whilst listening to the Wolfe Brothers album 'Kids on Cassette' for company as I'm alone with Mitz, my torti cat. I'm actually enjoying the time alone without all of my housemates little dramas to be honest! I've just finished off some cold smoked salmon and some apple cider as well. I'm travelling okay at the moment.

Talk later!



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Judi9877  Hey Judi9877 am okay listening to Paramore atm and paying bills Smiley Frustrated

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Afternoon @Judi9877
I am about to start a book I got today and drink some tea

The storms are rolling in but its nice out on the deck atm with the cover over.

I am hoping to spend time reading this whole break but especially today

Good to hear from you 🙂

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hey pea @greenpea
Merry ch

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Christmas *
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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