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Musical stuff

As a number of members appear to be involved with music in one form or another I thought a discussion area for this type of material might be appropriate.   This can include anything you like.  A new song you've discovered, a concert you really enjoyed, information you've discovered.   The sky's the limit. 


Personally I wouldn't touch Zenon unless they've improved dramatically in the last few years.  My recommendation for a baroque bass would be an Aulos 533B (E).  They're still not cheap but I had a quick look at eBay au and there's a few on there.  I recommend one with a crook to ensure body comfort.   Wooden instruments if they're cheap I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.  If you're determined to have wood the look at Moeck.  I've no idea what they cost now but you'd probably need to rob the mint.

Have a great day. 

PS:  If this new discussion is not appropriate,  please delete.

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Re: Musical stuff

Hi @Kurra 

Great idea for a thread! Music is a wonderful form of self-care, and a great strategy for managing our mental health. I think almost everyone likes music, in one form or another. You don't have to play a musical instrument to be a music-lover, so I am sure most everyone can relate. 

I'll kick things off by saying... the best concert I ever went to was Daft Punk in my early 20s. It was so incredible to see them live, I was on cloud 9 🙂

From your post I take it you're a seasoned bass player @Kurra ? You seem to really know your stuff!

Look forward to hearing everyones contributions. 

Re: Musical stuff

Hi @Former-Member

Live performances in my opinion give much more to the listener than recordings.  The addition of the vibes from the people around you also enhances what you're hearing.  By the way: Audience response also affects the performers. 

Bass recorder player?  I can play bass well and sometimes I play the bass line to get the different perspective on the harmonies.  In the main though, it's not an instrument I play by choice.

I guess you could say that I'm a well seasoned player of flute and all the recorders except tenor because my hands aren't big enough.

Music can be enormously theraputic particularly during those periods when you just don't know exactly what's wrong.  I find making music (as in playing myself) to often be the solution to that "off" feeling.   I still don't know what was wrong but I do have the solution in my own hands.

Re: Musical stuff

@Kurra Thanks for your opinion, I will keep it in mind. I was tempted by a grenadilla descant with B flat key in January but held off I am only beginning this musical journey.. certainly not seasoned.

I have many balls in the air at the moment.  Might sell house, might move, might not, so major purchases are on hold til son is settled and 25 and then I feel I can do more stuff for me.

It is great to have this thread.

@Former-Member I never had any bands that I was mad about when I was growing up .. I was out of the radio and tv loop a lot of the time and just didnt connect to rocknroll that much, then had a girlfriend who was mad about it all and she introduced me to lots of figures (names I could drop) who I shook hands with but didnt know them from Adam.  It is part of the reason I am so analytical about the whole celebrity concept. We got a tv a few years before I left home but that was so late in the picture and more my brothers thing anyway .. by then I was bound to books and practical music, (but not well taught .. I was a lousy church organist). Our poverty was extreme.  Spare time wasnt wasted listening to records; well maybe about 10 hours. The whole seeing a famous band or wanting to save up money to do such a thing is alien to me. A girlfriend from work always got me in for free in the late 70s, and as I didnt have a clue about who was top of the pops, I wouldnt have parted with hard earned money for the privilege .. she just wanted company.  I see it as a Hollywood construct about "normal" teenager life .. Its funny, now some people think I am pretentious because I do classical music .. hey there was more classical sheet music in the op shops.. it is quite ironic really.


Re: Musical stuff


Love music!  I like all kinds of music and have a big collection of CD's. Music is my therapy. I cannot sing or play a musical instrument nor read music. However I sing out loud to drive away anxious and unpleasant thoughts. My terrible singing voice would drive away just about anything!

I dislike housework or cooking so I play happy, energetic music to help motivate me. Listening to Pavarotti makes ironing bearable.

I have Bipolar Type 1 and despite medications I often feel low. Energetic music, like AC/DC seems to lift the mood.

During difficult episodes, I avoid music altogether because to me, it sounds distorted, warped and the words seem to jump out at me.

Sorry for waffling on but music is important to me. 

Re: Musical stuff

Saw Lion King last year. What great songs and theatrical staging. Wow! one
super musical. Did others feel the same?

Re: Musical stuff

What is the issue about musical for removal. Apologise if I've done something
wrong. Bimby2

Re: Musical stuff

music is life

without music my fays feel empty

i listen to many different bands composers producers djs and artists

my favourites at the moment hmmmmmmm

bands mastodon and 36 crazyfists

composers beethoven always beethoven

djs id say excision rules my world at the mome

and hip hop my all time favourite is the wu tang clan but lately ive been listening to more yelawolf

music has a power it can reach into your soul and uplift you

lyrics can get stuck in my head and often speak to me

when im manic i love the good fast paced up the guts full on assault like music some dubstep some metal some drum and bass

when im low i listen to slower softer things thats when i crank the classical or when sarah blasko comes out to play

i dont play an instrument myself i couldnt catch that bug i tried and tried and tried to learn bass guitar just cant get it so i hocked it and my amp haha

my best friend plays guitar like a demon i sometimes take over tabs and tell him to play it for me

last time i did this i had a metal gear solid themesong tab he learnt it in an hour

i wish i had skills like that

music has carried me through some tough times been beside me in the good times and entertained me in the middle

i love it

Re: Musical stuff

Hi @GonePirate,

I find it really interesting that you mentioned your difference in choice depending on whether you're man7c ordepressed.  Or me , it's the same piece of music at either extreme.   Mozart's Requiem Mass I find wildly exciting when I'm manic.  When I'm depressed it allows me to slide further into the depths.

I'm almost scared to listen to it at all.  Certainly when I put it on continuous repeat,  it's a very strong indicator that my insight is close to disappearing so I try my hardest to stay away from it.... but I can't give the CD away......

Re: Musical stuff

I will often put a song on endless repeat if it's one that's well and truly in my head. Perhaps it's my OCD that strengthens this desire...

Live music is wonderful. So is recorded music. Both have their pluses. Gotta love those vibes...

I bought a North American spirit flute about a year ago. It's a relatively easy instrument to play, and has lovely warm tones. So far, I've composed 2 pieces - just short riffs really, but I love to play them. Oh, and I worked out how to play Smoke On The Water by ear... hahaha... easy peasy stuff so far, but I find it very relaxing and calming to play. Kind of like a form of meditation using music as a language...

For fun, sometimes I play the flute using my nose instead of my mouth. It makes me giggle. Hahaha...

I love Baroque music, Gregorian chants, all the way through to Blues, Jazz, Metal, Disco, Rock, Rap, and all the electronic dancey stuff like Goan Trance. I've yet to find a style of music I don't like. Heck, I even love Bollywood music and can tolerate Chinese Opera... 🙂

Smetana's Moldau touches me in that special place, and I have a soft spot for Felix Mendelssohn. Pink Floyd is my favourite band...

Gotta love them vibes...
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